Die Welt – Business section – main page – „Plastic garbage often produced by Procter & Gamble – P & G“
It is 24.12.2019 – Christmas Eve – and I read the newspaper „Die Welt“ in my warm home and I can see one of my plastic garbage footage photographed in Tahiti. My plastic garbage photo is on top of an article who is talking about consumer goods corporations like Proctor & Gamble.
The „Die Welt” articles are online as well:
„Die meisten putzen mit zu heißem Wasser“
„Die meisten Menschen spülen und putzen mit viel zu heißem Wasser“
Over the years I can see more and more wasted consumer goods in the free nature. People don’t care about, because plastic costs nothing and they leave it anywhere. Even underwater is the garbage in a mess, because nobody can see under the water surface and on the ground of the oceans and lakes. Only divers and underwater photographers like me can describe it a little bit.
Are there any solutions ? I have no idea. Animals are suffering with the garbage, but they also accept the circumstances. Young fishes have protection under plastic boxes in the open sea and survive. Crabs are living in cans and have protection. The underwater part of the oil headgears are full of corals and marine life – not used oil headgears anymore are very welcomed for birds. Many Many examples where we have the plastic content and animal life around.
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